You Aught-a Know
Continuing in the theme of Alanis lyrics...for no particular reason, although this has been on my mind. We are now officially into the eighth year of this decade. What is the name of this decade? In two or three years, when we want to reflect back upon these years, what will we call them? Almost every other decade is easy. The '60s, the '70s, the '80s.
A hundred years ago, it was referred to as the "turn of the century" or the "early nineteen hundreds." What will we say when we're talking about these years?
Remember Lindsay Lohan? She was always a target of the paparazzi back at the turn of the century.
I can't believe gas is so cheap now. Remember at the turn of the century is was three dollars a gallon?
It doesn't quite work. We have gone seven full years and no one has stepped forward and named the decade. I want to put in my vote. I'm a big fan of AUGHT. According to the Free Dictionary, it means "zero" (among other things). You can't call the decade the O's, because let's face it, that's what they call the Baltimore Orioles (or the Balmer Oreos).
When was American Idol popular? Oh that was back in the aughts, wasn't it?
Who's with me? If not, what do YOU think it should be?
A hundred years ago, it was referred to as the "turn of the century" or the "early nineteen hundreds." What will we say when we're talking about these years?
Remember Lindsay Lohan? She was always a target of the paparazzi back at the turn of the century.
I can't believe gas is so cheap now. Remember at the turn of the century is was three dollars a gallon?
It doesn't quite work. We have gone seven full years and no one has stepped forward and named the decade. I want to put in my vote. I'm a big fan of AUGHT. According to the Free Dictionary, it means "zero" (among other things). You can't call the decade the O's, because let's face it, that's what they call the Baltimore Orioles (or the Balmer Oreos).
When was American Idol popular? Oh that was back in the aughts, wasn't it?
Who's with me? If not, what do YOU think it should be?