Monday, January 01, 2007


One of the many things I dread about the holiday season is the whole "What's your resolution" BS. Why go through the motions of coming up with a million things that you may or may not adhere to for a few days? Which is why I have come up with the concept of resolutions that are based in reality...things that I will actually stick to!

This year's resolution...drum roll

I will brush my teeth using the full two-minute timer on my Sonicare.

I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I've recently started trying to just beat the clock, so to speak. Two minutes seems like a million years while you're brushing your teeth...even if it's broken up in 30-second intervals.

Wish me luck. And I wish you luck quitting smoking, exercising more, eating healthy, swearing less, or whatever resolutions you have.


Blogger Kings Fan said...

My New Year's Resolution, as it has been for many years, is not to make any. I have been able to stick with it successfully. Best of luck on brushing your teeth. Wow, that sounded weird.

12:07 PM  

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