H Squared

So I'm sure all of my reader(s) are curious...although I think I have told you all individually, but I decided in a fit of non-creativity - to go as a black cat for Halloween. Not just any black cat, but MY black cat, Boo. Here I am with my equally creative friend, Marisa, who went as a, um, er, blonde girl wearing a wig and a hat with a drawn-on mole? Scary!!
My favorite costumes of the night were:
Erik as "Global Warming"

Random Stranger as "Jeffrey from Project Runway."

And of course, Jeff the bartender as: Mexica

By the way, the only party foul of the night was when I slammed my tail in the door of the car at 7-11. Boy, do I feel for Toonces.
bummed i missed the festivities, i was dancing instead. i absolutely love global warming. you have to check out my pics from the theatre party last saturday...EA & drew were "weekend at bernie's"...hilarious!
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