OK, OK, so I promised that I wasn't a crazy cat lady. But...my little black kitten was so cute and silky today that I just had to get in close for a shot. She doesn't even seem to mind. I like that you can see the itty bitty fleck of orange that is in her left eye.
Faithful reader(s) might wonder - what did I use to take said picture? Well, some cool things have been happening at work lately (in between the not-so-cool things). Turns out that a
certain co-worker might have been reading my blog and got a crazy idea to convince the powers-that-be at work to get me a super early birthday present (about three months early) - an AWESOME digital camera! Yay! I can't effing believe it. Still. Although I think Gina might have suggested it in an effort to get me to stop drinking Diet Coke. ;) Whatever the reason, thank you thank you thank you. Did I mention, "Thank you?"
In my never ending struggle to get people off the streets and in front of their TV sets, I need to get back on my soapbox and remind/recommend to people that "
The 4400" is returning to USA tomorrow night (Sunday). It's about 4400 people who have been abducted (by aliens) over the last 75 years or so, who are all mysteriously returned to earth in one giant spaceship - each with a special power. They try to return back to their lives - which is much harder than it sounds (and it sounds pretty hard). Oh, and the government is trying to eff with them. Oh and of course there is one wacko who is trying to turn it into a giant celebrity-like religion. OK, I've made it sound much more complicated than it is.

I started watching because my friend (and ex-roommate)
Samantha Ferris is on the show. She plays
Nina Jarvis, who works for NTAC, the aforementioned governmental agency. Doesn't she look concerned in this photo? It's because she's concerned that you won't watch Sunday's 2-hour Season Premiere! Don't upset the pretty girl, people, she might come to your house and kick your ass in Scrabble. It's been known to happen.
In closing, a note to Matthew - you better sit down. I heard a song on the radio today that I actually kinda liked. It was called "Ballad of a Thin Man" by a guy named Bob something or other...