Wow. Yesterday is the kind of television day that I just dream about (read as: potential nightmare). First of all, I need to tell you that Wednesdays SUCK. There are about 900 hours of TV that I need to find a way to cram into a reasonable hour that doesn't have me staying up all night. Thank god for the TiVo and the TiFaux. I can literally capture three programs that all start at eight PM. What the heck would I do without technology? I shudder to think.

Let me start off by saying that the week wasn't boding well. After seeing
Terry eliminated from the Final Three on
Survivor...I thought that all was wrong in this world. Terry was THE ultimate survivor. Not only did he win about a million immunity challenges in a row - he managed to find the "hidden immunity idol" after being on Exile Island for about 34 seconds. Dominant, competitive, honest, and quite frankly, handsome and bearing salt and pepper hair. That's all I need in a
Survivor million dollar winner. Anyway, Terry was sooooo wrongly voted off (don't even get me started on how little Danielle deserved to be F2), I thought that the week was going to suck.

And then came Wednesday. eight, I decide to watch
The Amazing Race. It's between Ray & Yolanda, The Frat Boys, and BJ & Tyler, who I
wrote about/fawned over in a previous blog entry. I figured that there was a 66% chance I wouldn't be angry. I hate those damned frat boys, for about a hundred reasons, but laughed every time the "hippies" said "Damn you, frat boyssssssss!" So to quote Television Without Pity,
blah blah blah, BJ and Tyler win (sans ick). They were just positive, awesome and happy and full of smiles and just a joy to watch. I'm just thrilled that after last week's awful, yukky,

bleh, vomitous Fast Forward (they each had to eat a bowl of fried crickets - see picture), the boys made it to the front of the pack. They were also so unbelievably looked down upon for being "hippies" that I absolutely LOVE (with all capital letters) the fact that the last road block came down to INTELLIGENCE (more capital letters). I am sure that the frat boys didn't think that the hippies were smart enough to find and arrange all of the flags in order of the countries that they visited. On top of the fact that the previous leg took place in Japan - and Tyler speaks nearly fluent Japanese. Damn you frat boys....NOT! Yay, tonight is looking UP!
Next on my list: Lost. It's not reality TV, so it will not be addressed in this blog. (Although that Sawyer is too damned hot for his or MY own good.)
I go to
Top Chef on Bravo. It's down to the Final Three. Dave, Tiffany and Harold. It's part one

of a two-part finale in Las Vegas.
Dave is first to arrive in Vegas, then
Harold. They wish that it was just the two of them. As do I. Eventually, the beeyotch Tiffany shows up. That's right, I won't link to her. She doesn't deserve my link. Next day, they are told that they have to create dishes for several different "room service" customers. The "High Rollers" turn out to be three former contestants on the show; the Poker table

is actually full of 'famous' poker players, and the final group is the troupe from Cirque du Soleils' Ka show (which was the most surreal experience of the night - with their makeup and costumes). Ultimately, Harold won one, Dave nearly won two (if he could count) and Tiffany won ZERO. Illogically, Dave is sent back home - although I can understand why his neurotic, unfocused and flustered ways can't possibly make him a top chef. In reality, all I care about is that my TV boyfriend Harold, is still in the running.

At this point, I figure that I'm two for two. BJ/Tyler with TAR and Harold at TC. It's 11:30 and I decide to go for it. Pllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me that Jade is not
America's Next Top Model. She is a know-it-all bitch, and that's just the tip of her iceberg. Thank god Jade had to have a major "releasement" of her contestantship. Which ultimately leads to two of the sweetest (seemingly) girls vying for the Number One position. Ultimately, I'm fine with
Danielle winning it all. As long as it's not Jade. Yuck, yuck and treble yuck.
Here's Danielle being, well, Top Model-ly gorgeous.

So, all in all, a great night. Those that I wanted to win, won. Those that I didn't want to win, lost.
And somewhere along the road tonight, a little Fox tells me that Paula Abdul cried her eyes out because of a funky white boy who is 90% deaf in one ear is going home. Give me a freakin' break.