Four Balls

My friend Bean flew in today from Seattle – just in time for the annual KROQ Weenie Roast. We met up for dinner at one of our favorite places – Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles. I know what you’re saying “Chicken and Waffles??” Trust me, it works. I’m not sure how, it just does. It may be the crack cocaine and heroin that they put in the waffle batter, I’m not quite sure. Ultimately, I digress.
During the course of our conversation, he mentions a GREAT idea that he came up with. Wouldn’t it be great if all MLB pitchers banded together and agreed, as an entity, to walk Barry Bonds from now until the end of (his) time? Right now he is dangerously close to Babe Ruth’s Home Run record tally of 715. (Please note the lack of an asterisk after the name Babe Ruth.) With two more “unknowingly took steroids” out-of-the-park swings, he will be in the record books. Boooooooo.
I ran the idea by some of my massive sporto fans this evening – to mixed response. One felt that it was awesome that someone cared so much about baseball that they would come up with a scheme. Another hates the San Francisco Giants and Barry Bonds so much that he is game for anything. The third was adamantly opposed to the concept, citing the fact that probably 30% of all of the pitchers that have been pitching to Bonds over the years have also been juiced, which negates the whole concept.
Bean and I parted ways tonight – both of us knowing that he would rush back to his hotel and immediately purchase the domain “”. Fast forward to now – not only is the domain no longer available...but someone is already (pretty much) trying to push the exact same concept through. (It's funny that it redirects to a "steroid free gear" domain name.)
So, if you’re down with the here to find out the Giants schedule and email all of the opposing teams from now until...whenever.
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