Confessions of an Un-Pretty Girl
Last month, Gina wrote about what it's like to not be the "IT" girl. It became a celebration of Geek Girls. Great way to look at it! (or "IT")
This month, I'll also write about what it's like to not be the "IT" girl. As Gina so eloquently put it, You know her. She’s golden. Gorgeous, great body, magnetic personality, intelligent...COOL. Everyone wants to be around her. She drives men absolutely mad.
I have several friends who are this girl. It's not until I spend time with these friends that I realize how much of a division there is between the "me" girl and the "IT" girl. In fact, I was hanging out with one last night. One of the best things about this particular "IT" girl is that she has, in her own words, "been both."
As a kid, she was awkward and 'ugly.' She had scoliosis and wore a full-body brace. Her mom cut her hair close to her head. All I can think of is Joan Cusack in Sixteen Candles. Not the kind of girl that boys flock to.
She told me that she was ridiculed and mocked when she was young. Eventually she got the brace off and her hair grew out. She grew into her beauty. However, inside she was exactly the same. She remembers people treating her differently and not knowing why - since they had treated her so poorly for the past few years.
Her awkward years made her discriminating. She can now tell who likes her for her - and who is shallow and surfacy - which means a lot in this town.
Back to last night. It's odd to see men react to my friend. Their eyes traverse her body from head to toe. They're dumbfounded. They literally fall over themselves to speak to her - to find anything to say to her to make conversation. They want to touch her - to say "hi," or "nice to meet you" or even "do you have a light?" They make incredibly awkward small talk, or bump into her - anything to connect. They throw phone numbers at her, hit on her and try to charm her with all sorts of odd "lines." They manage to eek out one sentence to her and then think they have some sort of connection with her.
This does not happen to me. In fact, this has NEVER happened to me. If it weren't for my pretty friends, I wouldn't even know that it existed. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
This month, I'll also write about what it's like to not be the "IT" girl. As Gina so eloquently put it, You know her. She’s golden. Gorgeous, great body, magnetic personality, intelligent...COOL. Everyone wants to be around her. She drives men absolutely mad.
I have several friends who are this girl. It's not until I spend time with these friends that I realize how much of a division there is between the "me" girl and the "IT" girl. In fact, I was hanging out with one last night. One of the best things about this particular "IT" girl is that she has, in her own words, "been both."

She told me that she was ridiculed and mocked when she was young. Eventually she got the brace off and her hair grew out. She grew into her beauty. However, inside she was exactly the same. She remembers people treating her differently and not knowing why - since they had treated her so poorly for the past few years.
Her awkward years made her discriminating. She can now tell who likes her for her - and who is shallow and surfacy - which means a lot in this town.
Back to last night. It's odd to see men react to my friend. Their eyes traverse her body from head to toe. They're dumbfounded. They literally fall over themselves to speak to her - to find anything to say to her to make conversation. They want to touch her - to say "hi," or "nice to meet you" or even "do you have a light?" They make incredibly awkward small talk, or bump into her - anything to connect. They throw phone numbers at her, hit on her and try to charm her with all sorts of odd "lines." They manage to eek out one sentence to her and then think they have some sort of connection with her.
This does not happen to me. In fact, this has NEVER happened to me. If it weren't for my pretty friends, I wouldn't even know that it existed. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
First of all, I hope the title isn't referring to you, because you're NOT "un-pretty"!
But isn't it amazing? How we humans judge with our eyes! Especially since the same people who mocked your friend were all of a sudden interested in being around her when she "became a swan". But I'm sure it made her wiser than she would have been had she grown up with lots of admirers from the get go. And being wiser is being stronger--always a good thing!
Geek girls rock!!
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